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Music Tutorials
Amazing Turntable Tutorials

Well hello there!

I’m Robert, and I’m lucky to have been a professional musician since the age of 16. However, if my name is Robert, how come my website is called Ted’s List?!

Zooming back to 2015, I evolved from being a fun-loving young musician, into a ‘proper adult’! I had a child (well my lovely wife did!) – and little Teddy entered the world. And like his Daddy, since he could make music and songs; he has.

But just how could I support Teddy’s friends and parents with their musical education?

By developing Ted’s List!

Robert Emery
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Four Feature Friday
4 Feature Friday Dno

So what is the 4 Feature Friday email? Simple. Every Friday, our Founder and generally nice guy, Robert Emery , will send you an exclusive email. It’ll be short and sweet, comprising the four most incredible things he has found out that week. All in connection with music obviously!

So come on, and join us. We have loads of fun with the 4-Feature Friday; and who knows what you might find…