Periods of Classical Music

Far from being uniform, classical music has undergone great changes over the centuries. Here you will find a brief presentation of the main periods of classical music:

  1. Baroque music
  2. Classical music (of the classical period)
  3. Romantic music
  4. Modern music
  5. Contemporary music

And just in case it’s useful, here is a link to some classical music terms!

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Hi there...

I’m Robert, and I’m fortunate enough to have been a professional musician since the age of sixteen. However, if my name is Robert, what is the reason my website is called Ted’s List?!

Going all the way back to 2015, I transformed from being a fun-loving young musician, right into a ‘proper adult’! I had a newborn (well my lovely wife did!) – and little Teddy entered the world. And like his father, since he could make music; he has.

And since Ted went to school, I had his pals together with their parents constantly ask me for recommendations on music and studying a musical instrument. So how could I help them?

By making Ted’s List!

Robert Emery