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Studio Gear Tutorials

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Amazing Studio Gear Tutorials
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So what is the 4 Feature Friday? If you wish to explore four impressive things about musical instruments that you perhaps didn’t already know, then register to find out…

So come on, and join us. We have loads of fun with the 4-Feature Friday, and you never know what you might find…

Well hello!

I’m Robert, and I’m fortunate enough to have been a professional musician since the age of sixteen. However, if my name is Robert, what is the reason my website is called Ted’s List?!

Going all the way back to 2015, I transformed from being a fun-loving young musician, right into a ‘proper adult’! I had a newborn (well my lovely wife did!) – and little Teddy entered the world. And like his father, since he could make music; he has.

And since Ted went to school, I had his pals together with their parents constantly ask me for recommendations on music and studying a musical instrument. So how could I help them?

By making Ted’s List!

So if you’re like to read some reviews of studio gear, click here.

Robert Emery