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Saxophone Facts

20 Interesting Facts About The Saxophone

The saxophone is among the most popular musical instruments today and likely possesses the most recognisable sound in all of music. Whenever you hear a saxophone playing, it evokes a sense of beauty and smoothness unmatched by any other instrument. With that in mind, here are 20 intriguing facts about this iconic instrument, covering its history and much more. Continue reading for fascinating details that you may not have come across before.

Saxophone Facts

1. A unique history

Saxophone Facts

Unlike most other musical instruments, the saxophone is the only one that was invented by a single person. That would be the Belgian musical instrument inventor Adolphe Sax, hence, the name saxophone. He wanted to develop something that would feature the soloistic nature of the woodwind, but would also be heard better among other brass instruments. He first patented the saxophone in 1846. 

2. There were once fourteen different types of saxophones

Adolphe Sax wanted to make sure that his creation would fit in with a wide variety of ensembles. So to do that, he made fourteen different types. In comparison, only four are commonly played today; the soprano, alto, baritone, and tenor saxophones. Imagine having to learn how to play all fourteen instruments to be considered a master! Yikes. 

Saxophone Facts

3. People hated the saxophone at first

When you hear the word saxophone or listen to its iconic tunes today, what comes to your mind? Romance. Smoothness. It’s a very sexy instrument. But back when Sax first introduced it in the early 1840s, he was mocked. A lot. It wasn’t until well-known composer Hector Berlioz’s editorial about how revolutionary the instrument is that it gained traction in the popular psyche. 

4. It’s the only woodwind instrument made of brass

Saxophone Facts