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Oboe Tutorials

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Music Tutorials
Amazing Oboe Tutorials

Meet Our OBOE Champion

Nicholas Daniel
Nicholas Daniel
Ted's Oboe Champion
Oboe | Getting Started

The Oboe is one of the most haunting and beautiful instruments in the woodwind family. Playing a wind instrument is a pleasure, but it can seem a little daunting at times. This is where Ted’s List comes in…

Research is essential. Read some Oboe Reviews to help you choose the best instrument for you. If you can, get the best Oboe you can afford to buy – it’ll save you money in the long run.

It’s also imperative to find a great teacher instead of self-learning. Playing the Oboe can be tough, so finding a great, qualified teacher, will save you time in the long run. They’ll not only help you with techniques, but also how to read music, give you a good overall musical theory knowledge, and even help you make your own reeds!

Our Ted’s List Oboe Tutorials will help with additional guidance away from your standard weekly lesson.

Here at Ted’s List, we have some of the worlds finest musicians giving you free tips, tricks and advice. So if you would like to find out more about your woodwind instrument, or read other Oboe Reviews, please do visit our dedicated page here.

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Four Feature Friday
4 Feature Friday Dno

So what exactly is the Four Feature Friday? If you wish to explore 4 wonderful things about music – not just about the Oboe – that you didn’t already know, then enroll to find out!

Come and join in and have some fun. It is, all things considered, why we play music! Just press the button below…


Being a professional musician, I am always searching for fascinating new projects, and Ted’s List seemed like an obvious project to get into. But why did I call the website Ted’s List, instead of Robert’s List? !?

Going back to 2015, I evolved from being a fun-loving young musician, right into a ‘proper adult’! I had a baby (well my wife did!) – and little Teddy came into the world. And like his Dad, since he could make music; he has.

And since Ted went to school, I had his friends and also their parents constantly ask me for advice on music and studying a musical instrument. So how could I help them?

By developing Ted’s List!

Robert Emery

Oboe Tutorials

Trusted Globally

The Ted’s List team consists of brilliant musicians who work worldwide. For once, content is written by authors who know exactly how to assist you in becoming a better recorder player.

No Required Experience

Whether you are a complete beginner or an professional, in no time will we get you to play the music you love.

Finding Sheet Music Hard To Read? No Problem!

We have all the tuition guides to start you quickly.

Tutorials From World-Class Oboe Players

Our content is written by professional Oboe players – not only oboe teachers. So they know what they’re talking about.

Learn Your Way

Our content can be used to support your face-to-face recorder lessons or to help find the right online lessons through our guides. All of our info is free and easy to access.

Explore The World Of Music Theory

Follow your curiosity and study our scales and music theory articles. It’s not as frightening as you think!